Saturday, September 16, 2023

Staff Bulletin: Sept. 18-22, 2023


Monday, September 18 - Day 4, Rotation 2

Read Aloud of I’m Not Scared, I’m Prepared Because I Know All About Alice: Today OR Tuesday

Lunch Option 1: Chicken Nuggets 
Lunch Option 2: Tater Tot Casserole 
  • 8:00-3:00 Bridging Bright Smiles (Conf Rm
  • 9:45-10:00 Stacy - Record Announcements (McKinnon) 
  • 10:10-10:55 4th Gr Lit Collab 4C, 4D, 4S (Rm 65) 
  • 11:10-11:55 4th Gr Lit Collab 4H, 4M, 4B/G (Rm 65) 
  • 1:10-1:55 3rd Gr Lit Collab (Rm 65) 
  • 2:00-2:45 Student SSP (Knapp, Kozelek, Schonoff, VandeVoort, Verhagen)
  • 2:10-2:55 2nd Gr Lit Collab (Rm 65) 
  • 3:20-4:00 SLT Meeting (Knapp, Dercks, Baumgartner, Herlache, Widenhaupt, Dakins, Ritzke) 
  • 6:00-7:00 PAC Meeting in EQ LMC 

Tuesday, September 19 - Day 5, Rotation 2


Lunch Option 1: Beef Nachos
Lunch Option 2: BBQ Rib-B-Q Sandwich 
  • 8:45-9:00 Fire Drill 
  • 10:05-10:20 Stacy - Record Announcements (VandeVoort)
  • 11:00-12:00 Stacy & Tara Meeting (Rm 65) 
  • 12:00-12:50 4th Gr Math Collab - ALL 4th Grade (Rm 65)
  • 2:25-4:00 Stacy - Appointment 

Wednesday, September 20 - Day 6, Rotation 2

School Spirit Wear Day Every Wednesday - Wear an Electa Quinney Shirt, Kaukauna Shirt, or Orange/Black!

Wisconsin Day 

Lunch Option 1: Cheeseburger 
Lunch Option 2: Asian Chicken Salad 
  • 7:45-10:00 Stacy - EMLSS (DO) 
  • 10:40-10:55 Stacy - Record Announcements (Ritzke)
  • 2:00-2:30 Hold-Lockdown-Evacuate Drill 
  • 3:20-4:00 EQ Academic Team Meeting (Rm 65) 
  • 3:15-4:00 Stacy - Appointment 

Thursday, September 21 - Day 1, Rotation 3

Lunch Option 1: Chicken Pasta Alfredo 
Lunch Option 2: Sunbutter & Jelly Pitta Dipper Meal 
  • 8:30-8:50 Tornado/Severe Weather Drill 
  • 10:10-10:55 4th Gr Math Collab 4C, 4D, 4S (Rm 65) Moved to 9/19
  • 11:10-11:55 4th Gr Math Collab 4H, 4M, 4B/G (Rm 65) Moved to 9/22
  • 11:45-12:00 Stacy - Record Announcements (VanAsten)
  • 1:10-1:55 3rd Gr Math Collab (Rm 65) 
  • 2:10-2:55 2nd Gr Math Collab (Rm 65) 
  • 3:15-4:00 SSP Meeting Conf. Rm (Knapp, Kozelek, VandeVoort, Verhagen)

Friday, September 22 - Day 2, Rotation 3

Lunch Option 1: Cheese Stuffed Breadsticks 
Lunch Option 2: Home-Style Beef & Bean Chili
  • 8:30-11:30 Stacy - Admin Meeting (DO) 
  • 12:55-1:10 Stacy - Record Announcements (Owen)
  • 1:10-1:55 3rd Gr Math Collab (Rm 65)
  • 3:20-4:00 Stacy/Autumn/Shaina/Hayley Meeting 

Upcoming Events:

Sept. 25 - Board of Education Meeting 5:30pm 
Sept. 27 - SLT Meeting 
Sept. 29 - In-Service - No School for Students 
Sept. 30 - ALL ORDERS & Budget Funds DUE
Oct. 1 - National Principals Month (#ThankaPrincipal)
Oct. 2 - 6 Homecoming Week 
Oct. 2 - National Custodian Day
Oct. 3 - Walk to School Day 
Oct. 4 - 3rd Grade Field Trip to the Grand Opera House 
Oct. 9 - Board of Education Meeting
Oct. 9 - Vision Screening 
Oct. 9-13 Fire Prevention Week
Oct. 10 - Picture Retake Day 
Oct. 11 - EQ Staff Meeting 
Oct. 12 -EA Meeting 
Oct. 16-20 National School Bus Safety Week
Oct. 16 - National Boss’ Day
Oct. 23 - Board of Education Meeting
Oct. 24 - EQ Family Night
Oct. 25 - Student of the Month Due 
Oct. 26 - Staff In Service/No School All Students 
Oct. 27 - No School All Students & Staff 

Sept. 18 - Sarah Gaines 
Sept. 19 - Brenda Baranczyk 
Sept. 23 - Lori Greenthal 

Karen Ritzke 

Elementary SAFETY WEEK is Sept. 18-22

It's Safety Week! We will practice a fire drill, hold/evacuate drill, tornado/severe weather drill, and classroom evacuation drill. The EQ/NDLC schedule with times and directions can be viewed here. 

We are sharing the drill info/times with you so you can plan accordingly. Please do not share these times with families. A letter was already sent home from Jason Hurley via IC email earlir this month explaining what drills we will be practicing throughout the week. 

Throughout this week please also find time to review your safety binder in your classrooms just to familiarize yourself.

Read Aloud of I’m Not Scared, I’m Prepared Because I Know All About Alice: Monday OR Tuesday.

  • Teacher will discuss with students that these are examples of what we could do, we will not be throwing things, running “zig-zaggy down the hall” or barricading the door

Fire Drill: Tuesday, September 19th at 8:45 am (Day 5) **

  • Refer to your binder and the maps in your classroom for which door to exit

  • Wait for “all clear” before returning to the classroom 

Hold-Lockdown-Evacuate Drill Wednesday, September 20 at 2:00-2:30 (Day 6)  **

  • Listen for announcements.

  • When it is time to evacuate, leave when you feel the hallway is safe. 

  • If your classroom typically goes to the playground, then you evacuate to Tanner

  • If your classroom typically goes to black top by Gym B, then you evacuate to Fieldcrest Park (under tunnel, turn left and walk to Fieldcrest Park)

  • When you arrive at your evacuation place choose a meeting place for your class for all future evacuations. 


Hold Drill 

  • May I have your attention please? 

  • Students and Staff we are now in a Hold Status in our school.

  • Please clear all students from the hallway, and bathrooms.  Report to the closest classroom.

  • Lock classroom door and continue with class instruction as usual.

  • Do not allow students or adults to leave the classroom.

  • Do not call the office.

  • Wait for the “All Clear Announcement”.

Lockdown Drill

  • May I have your attention please? 

  • Students and Staff we are now in LOCKDOWN.

  • Clear students from hallways (go into the closest classroom), lock doors, turn off lights.

  • Spread out in the room sitting on floor.  Remain out of site from windows or doors as possible without gathering tightly in one spot.

  • Take attendance.

  • Maintain Silence.

  • Release no one.  Ignore bells.  No one is allowed to enter or leave rooms.

  • Do not call the office.

  • Remain in room until all clear is given by administration or emergency personnel.

Evacuation – No Intruder in the Building

  • Evacuate the school

  • Take attendance and stay in this area until told to move by school or police/fire administration. 

  • If it is possible to leave the classroom please do so and gather at your rally point.  If it is not possible to leave, secure your room the best you can.

Tornado/Severe Weather Drill: Thursday, September 21st  at 8:30 am  (Day 1)  **

8:30 ANNOUNCEMENT: The National Weather Service has issued a Severe Weather Warning.  Please take shelter in our designated areas and pay attention for further information.

8:40 ANNOUNCEMENT:  The National Weather Service has given the all clear signal.  Students and staff should now report back to their normal location.  Thank you for your cooperation and the orderly fashion in which this Severe Weather drill was performed.

Classroom Evacuation Drill For Escalated Student - Anytime during the week

At times a student could possibly engage in behavior that poses a substantial risk of serious injury to the student or others.  When our steps/interventions for managing the behavior and safely de-escalating the student (calling PS/Office staff and NVCI strategies) are not proving effective, a teacher may need to evacuate the students from the classroom to another location in the building.  

  • Please practice what a classroom evacuation such as this might look like and how you might instruct the students to leave the room. 

  • It is asked that  staff have a plan for how to handle the need to clear the room if a student is in crisis and rehearse the plan with the students at least 2 times before October 15th.  So this week will count as one and then complete another between Oct. 1-15.  

  • Andy K. had created a slideshow to use when discussing this with students .  Feel free to use this if you find it helpful.  Thank you!


Check Doors Behind You

Safety week is good time to reinforce DOOR SAFETY.  We appreciate everyone's help in being diligent to...
  • not prop doors open, 
  • not leaving outer doors unlocked (7:50-3:10), 
  • checking all doors in the building after you go through them
  • closing a door if you see a door open/unlatched
We have a number of doors that we continue to work with maintenance on as the weather/humidity and other factors impact the doors fully latching, so let the office know just in case so someone is aware if/when.  When we all help by checking a door after we go through it or when you see anything propped/unlocked/left open it helps the whole!  Thank you!

Walk to School Day Oct. 4 & Staff Volunteer Sign-up List

At the staff meeting we had enough interest from staff to walk students from near by parks to EQ 7:15-7:45 for Walk to School Day on Oct. 4th. Click here to SIGN-UP TO WALK from a park or to walk during lunch recess with students.  

Our first PAC meeting of the year is on Monday evening.  Here is the link to the Sign-Up Genius page for the 23-24 school year for any/all EQ STAFF to volunteer to be a staff representative at one of the PAC meetings, other Electa Quinney events, and more. Let me know if you have any questions.

i-Ready Diagnostic

One of our beginning-of-year priorities is to prepare for and administer the i-Ready Diagnostic. This first Diagnostic is critical to the success of the program. It helps us better understand students’ strengths and areas for growth, but only if that data is accurate. Our first window goes through September 28th.

The most important thing we can do is prepare students and motive them to put forth their best effort.  Here are a few next steps I’d love for you to take a look at or use to help ensure we get good data:  

Use the Get Good Data pages to review tips and tools and to create your own action plan for preparing students for the Diagnostic and supporting them during the administration.   

Thank you again for continuing to learn more about this each year, sharing tools and ideas with another and using the data to help inform your instruction or time with students!  Having the ability to use MyPath will bring this to a whole other level this year! As always, let me know if you have any questions or if you'd like to arrange for me to be in your classroom during your first go at the diagnostic.  



Sunshine dues for this year at Quinney at $25.00.  

Please. . . 

  • make checks payable to Electa Quinney with Sunshine in the subject line.

  • put check/cash in an envelope with your name on front.

  • put in Brenda Baranczyk’s mailbox by Friday, September 29.

Part-time staff can divide their dues accordingly based on their hours at Quinney or by how many schools they service. As in the past, $5 of the $25 will be used to support PBIS staff acknowledgements.

The fabulous Sunshine Committee includes the following staff members: Brenda Baranczyk, Kayla Sprangers, Heather Gostisha, and Katie Durrant. Please see one of us if you have questions or if you would like to join the committee.

The current year documents are again located in the EQ Sunshine folder in the Shared Drive in Google. This folder includes. . . 

  • Instead of assigning jobs, we have made a sign up genius.  We would like each staff member to volunteer for at least one activity to help with but feel free to sign up for more than one if you would like. You do not need to sign up with your team members - feel free to choose whatever job interests you. Sunshine Sign Up Genius

After your team has completed its job, please upload/scan the menu sign-up pages and any notes that would be helpful for the next team.

Please keep us informed of any happy events, special occasions, funerals etc. that we need to acknowledge.  

Lounge Clean Up

Each staff member is asked to sign up for one or two slots.  

During your assigned week, please wipe the tables and counters, wipe the microwave if needed, clean and put away any dishes, take dishcloths and towels home to wash at the end of the week, and anything else that may be needed to keep our lounge clean!

Yearbook Pictures

Please add any and all classroom pictures to our 23-24 Yearbook Pictures folder. We are always in need of more photos to use in our school yearbook.

Just a reminder to keep in mind the Do Not Publish Picture List when uploading pictures. 

Thank you all! 

Background Checks

As we start booking field trips, please remember that your chosen chaperones must have a valid background check on file. Please check with Shaina in the office. HR has stated that only individuals that have been chosen to go on a field trip should be turning in background check forms. Plan accordingly as background checks take about 2-3 weeks to process. 

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May 27-31, 2024

  Monday,  May 27 - NO SCHOOL Staff/Students Tuesday,  May 28  - Day 4,  Rotation 2 EAs Submit True Time L unch Option 1: Soft Beef Taco  Lu...